

Is an infection with a parasite called Toxoplasma Gondii. People often get the infection from eating undercooked meat. You can also get it from contact with cat feces. The parasite can pass to a baby during pregnancy. Most people infected with the parasite do not have symptoms.
Cats are known to be amongst the most adorable domesticated animals known to man and are next in line to be man’s best friend (after dogs.) So, imagine being an expectant mom who owns a pet cat, who is just as excited about your baby’s arrival (the newest addition to the family.) Too cute right? Such a fantasy can become a nightmare.
Cats are known to pass this parasite Toxoplasmosis to babies during pregnancy. Imagine I was just as surprised as you when I found that out. Though most infected with the parasite do not have symptoms, some people get flu-like symptoms. Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy may cause miscarriage and birth defects. The earlier in pregnancy you get infected, the more serious the baby’s problems may be after birth. For example, your baby could have damage to the liver, brain, and eyes. Up to 1 in two babies (50%) who are infected with Toxoplasmosis during the pregnancy are born early (preterm). Some infected babies may die.
How do you get infected from the cat feces?
People often get a toxoplasma infection in one of the following ways: Cat feces with the parasite. Cats that hunt or who are fed raw meat are more likely to carry toxoplasma parasites. You may get infected if you touch your mouth after touching anything that has been in contact with cat feces.
Symptoms of Toxoplasmosis
Swollen lymph glands, especially around the neck
Muscle aches and pains
Generally feeling unwell
Inflammation of the lungs
Inflammation of the heart muscle
Inflammation of the eye

Is toxoplasmosis curable in humans?
In an otherwise healthy person who is not pregnant, treatment usually is not needed. If symptoms occur, they typically go away within a few weeks to months. For pregnant women or persons who have weakened immune systems, medications are available to treat toxoplasmosis.

Toxoplasmosis is treated with a combination of antiparasitic medicines and antibiotics. These stop Toxoplasmosis Gondii from growing and reproducing in your body. Folinic acid is given during toxoplasmosis treatment to reduce the side effects of the anti-parasitic medications.
If you are pregnant and you feel you may be infected from Toxoplasmosis, please book a consultation with us at Adams Healthcare Clinic. You may call our office at +1-767-275-1683 to book an appointment. Walk-in patients are also welcomed.